作者:检测库查重 发表时间:2025-01-05 20:24:54 浏览次数:85
双语使用场景What's the abbreviation for 'Saint'?───Saint的缩写形式是什么?
We will use this abbreviation in this article and throughout the series.───我们将在本文以及整个系列中使用这个缩写词。
The abbreviation for Kansas is KS.───的缩写是。
I looked up the word "expo" in this dictionary. "Expo" is an abbreviation for "exposition" .───我在这本词典里查到了“expo”一词,它是“exposition”的缩写。
This latter term would even preserve the abbreviation DSD , but would give it a more widely accepted meaning .───后一个术语甚至可能会附和缩写DSD,但是可能会让更多人接受这个含意。
And soon OK was to find its place in many languages as a reminder of a familiar word or abbreviation.───很快OK就在不同语言中作为某个常见单词或缩写词的提示语存在。
英语使用场景Each Reader's Digest condensed book is an abbreviation of an originally longer work.